Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Proposal Idea

Our proposal for Strong Communities includes working with registration at elementary schools within the Strong Communities service area. Our target audience includes parents of elementary school aged children. We feel that the best way to reach parents that aren't very involved in their children's activities as well as those that are would be to create brochures and bracelets to hand out at registration. We chose registration because this is the one time during the school year that each child's parent/guardian must be present, therefore we will be able to make Strong Communities visible and increase awareness with everyone. In our outline of our proposal so far we have worked the most on the introduction, body, and conclusion.
The introduction includes a background of how we got involved in with Strong Communities and how we came up with the idea to use brochures and wristbands at registration to spread awareness of child abuse and neglect. The body includes more about actual elementary schools in the service area and the number of children enrolled in the schools. This was an important step in our research so that we would know a general number of brochures, bracelets, and bags for the bracelets we would need to produce a cost analysis for. Once figuring up the enrollment for both Simpsonville Elementary and Fountain Inn Elementary we decided that not everyone would take a bracelet and brochure but if we could provide enough materials for half of the student body this would be enough to cover the demand. The body then has an overall cost analysis of $690.14 for the production of 1,000 brochures, bracelets, and bags. We then included a way for the schools to raise money for Strong Communities so that they can afford to do this. An example of this includes having a pumpkin decorating contest.
The conclusion basically states how our proposal would spread awareness to parents that otherwise wouldn't know about Strong Communities motives. The appendix at the end at the moment includes a picture of the type of bracelet that we will produce and will later include a sample brochure. This is all we have for our outline and proposal at the moment, but we are working hard to make this proposal something that could actually be carried out by Mr. Charles and the rest of the Strong Communities staff.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mr. Roger's Neighborhood

Our group is called Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. We created the team name before Mr. Charles came to our class, and referred to the television show. Our group members consist of Amber Misenheimer, Rene Onate, Michael Nathan, Johnsie Lanham, and Andrew Owens. We look forward to working on the Strong Communities Project and making a difference!